
Enthusiastic person who wants to accelerate the development of the project. We are always open for a talk and then we will see if the person matches the team and the project. Each person has its (undiscovered) talent which could be useful in a way or another.
The world is facing water scarcity at an alarming and increasing rate due to events like climate change, while technologies (e.g. reverse osmosis) for producing fresh drinking water are mature and well developed. Most of the times, drinking water plants are installed on large scale nearby cities. This is a logical choice because making more impact (and helping more people) is possible. However, rural arid regions where small communities live, are also in need of drinking water. Those regions often have a bad infrastructure which makes production of fresh drinking water even more challenging. Drinking water projects in those rural regions are not always successful (in general, 35% to 50% of the water projects fail within 2 to 5 years) because there is often (99% of the time) no (long term) monitoring.
Brineys wants to provide drinking water in rural areas of developing countries for people who experience water scarcity by using seawater desalination. We want to sell the remaining salt in the Netherlands (as a conscious) sustainable product. The revenues will be used to maintain existing drinking water installation and build new ones. In this way, monitoring is necessary for sustaining this drinking water, salt and revenue cycle. More info: https://www.utoday.nl/news/68273/ut-students-want-to-make-freshwater-out-of-seawater & www.brineys.nl