We're looking for an SMM specialist who has experience working with business-accounts (not a personal brand) on the European market. Experience with LinkedIn is a must.
Lifelong Learning LAB
Technological, societal, economical and other rapid changes in the world require us to learn new things continuously. To do so, we need to be lifelong learners. However, these skills are varying among different people, and not everyone is ready for continuous learning. The main goal of educators and learning specialists is to support learners on their way to be lifelong learners. Nevertheless, not all educators and learning professional know how to do this, or ready to realise it in practice, since the concept of lifelong learning is relatively new.
We believe that creating the safe space where both new and experienced educational specialists, learning professionals, instructional designers can work closely and collaboratively with each other can be a solution in developing and implementing lifelong learning methods, solutions and approaches. We aim to help educators to learn continuously and to apply new knowledge about lifelong learning in real-life. To reach these goals we created our LAB: https://lllab.online/laboratory. Additionally, we designed courses for educators: https://lllab.online/lllearners